High Tech Treatment Cuts Sebum Production By 70%

Today I want to share with you a new high tech treatment for reducing sebum production – at least temporarily. The treatment is called fractional radiofrequency microneedling (FRM). In the past two years studies have shown positive results for acne, sebum production and acne scars. Today I want to focus on what this can do … Read more

Research Uncovers The Mastermind Molecule Behind Acne – What It Is And How To Turn It Down

Research has uncovered the mastermind molecule behind acne. Mammalian target of rapamycin (mTor) regulates all aspects of acne, including sebum production, cell growth and skin inflammation. It can read the levels of various hormones and nutrients and regulate cell growth and sebum production based on these signals.

In this post I’ll explain the mTor pathway and how it contributes to acne. What’s more important, understanding the mTor pathway and how it’s activated opens up new ways to reduce acne, something we’ll also look at.

What is mTor

Let’s start with a brief explanation of what mTor is. mTor is an abbreviation of mammalian target of rapamycin, a protein that regulates cell growth, cell division and cell survival.

mTor can activate (or turn on) mechanism that promote cell growth, and over-activation of the mTor pathway (medical term for a chain of events where one protein activates the next, ultimately leading to some effect in the body) can lead to excessive cell growth. That’s why mTor has been implicated in some cancers, and why mTor inhibitors are currently being tested as anti-cancer drugs.

Excessively cell growth is also a problem in acne, and that’s why researchers are investigating the role mTor plays in acne and the potential of treating acne by inhibiting the mTor pathway. Let’s look at what scientists have learned so far.

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More Evidence For Topical Treatment Of Oily Skin

Oily skin is a hassle for most acne patients. Studies show acne-prone skin produces 3 times more sebum than healthy skin. This creates ideal conditions for clogged pores and acne causing bacteria. Luckily for all of us with greasy skin, research is starting to deliver results. In earlier posts I’ve talked about topical treatments that … Read more