Cup of green tea

3 Surprising Ways Green Tea Fights Acne

The next big breakthrough in acne treatment may be the humble bag of green tea sitting in your kitchen cupboard. A Chinese proverb says “Better to be deprived of food for three days, than tea for one.” Research done in the past two decades tells why. A large and growing body of research shows drinking … Read more

Key that opens door to clear skin

How To Cure Acne Overview

The web is filled with bad acne advice. Q&A sites are full of well-meaning but simplistic advice about how to cure acne. Often how to cure acne questions are answered with put toothpaste on it or use this homemade skin care recipe type of advice. While there’s some truth to such answers and they miss … Read more

Beautiful picture of various soy foods

Soy And Acne: Looking At The Evidence

A lot has been written about the dangers of soy. In acne forums people strongly advice cutting it out of your diet because of its acne causing effect. But what does the evidence say? Is there a good reason to believe soy causes acne or other health problems? Leading the charge against soy is Weston … Read more

What Causes Acne Overview

In The Art of War Sun Tzu writes: ”Know the enemy and know yourself; in a hundred battles you will never be in peril.” This advice wins battles not only in the field but also on your skin. So if you don’t wish to be in peril in your fight against acne, you should take the time to properly understand what you are up against.

Many websites portray acne as overtly simple. They might claim it’s caused by toxins coming out of the skin or congestion in the colon. But the truth of the matter is that acne is extremely complicated. And when you understand all the factors that go into making a pimple it’s easy to see why many overtly simple solutions fail.

On this page I want to give you a broad overview of the complicated causes behind acne. And through understanding you can develop effective strategies for beating it.

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